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Brew Lake Trail, Whistler British Columbia Canada

Anonymous: ponedeljek, 25. oktober 2004, ob 20.57 uri; ogledov: 0
Access To: Brew Lake, Mount Brew, Brew Hut Condition: Expect bush and rock slides. The trail is moderately steep and easy to follow except for a section where the trail goes up through a steep open rock slide. To reach the original Brew Lake Trailhead, park at Brandywine Falls Provincial Park. Walk about 2km south along the railway tracks to reach the trailhead at a wide left bend in the tracks. The trailhead is on the right side and is marked with flagging tape. Note that it is illegal to walk along the tracks, but probably no one will try to stop you. The new road is about 4 km long and ends in a confusing maze of spurs west of Black Tusk Estates, adjacent to and crossing some of the many branches of Brew Creek. It would be possible to bushwhack to pick up the hiking trail, but not very efficient. Also, the gate is almost always locked, as Brew Creek is the water supply for Black Tusk Estates. Some small crags along the new road offer minimal to nonexistent rock climbing potential. History: The forest service map 92J103 shows a new trailhead originating off a spur road leaving Hwy 99 about 300 m north of Black Tusk Village or about 600 m south of the Brew Creek Lodge turnoff, just south of Brandywine Creek bridge. This new trail was supposed to bypass the walk along the railway tracks, but has not been built. [img:be09b82fc8][/img:be09b82fc8] [img:be09b82fc8][/img:be09b82fc8] [img:be09b82fc8][/img:be09b82fc8] [img:be09b82fc8][/img:be09b82fc8]


Anonymous: ponedeljek, 25. oktober 2004, ob 20.57 uri
Access To: Brew Lake, Mount Brew, Brew Hut Condition: Expect bush and rock slides. The trail is moderately steep and easy to follow except for a section where the trail goes up through a steep open rock slide. To reach the original Brew Lake Trailhead, park at Brandywine Falls Provincial Park. Walk about 2km south along the railway tracks to reach the trailhead at a wide left bend in the tracks. The trailhead is on the right side and is marked with flagging tape. Note that it is illegal to walk along the tracks, but probably no one will try to stop you. The new road is about 4 km long and ends in a confusing maze of spurs west of Black Tusk Estates, adjacent to and crossing some of the many branches of Brew Creek. It would be possible to bushwhack to pick up the hiking trail, but not very efficient. Also, the gate is almost always locked, as Brew Creek is the water supply for Black Tusk Estates. Some small crags along the new road offer minimal to nonexistent rock climbing potential. History: The forest service map 92J103 shows a new trailhead originating off a spur road leaving Hwy 99 about 300 m north of Black Tusk Village or about 600 m south of the Brew Creek Lodge turnoff, just south of Brandywine Creek bridge. This new trail was supposed to bypass the walk along the railway tracks, but has not been built. [img:be09b82fc8][/img:be09b82fc8] [img:be09b82fc8][/img:be09b82fc8] [img:be09b82fc8][/img:be09b82fc8] [img:be09b82fc8][/img:be09b82fc8]
pismo1: ponedeljek, 25. oktober 2004, ob 21.14 uri
Somebody took a short cut with walking on railway line to come faster to mountain ;-)
Anonymous: ponedeljek, 25. oktober 2004, ob 22.55 uri
... and people say mountaineering is not dangerous activity! Can you imagine news: "During the climb to the 2000 meters mountain, mountaineers killed by train!" Z
pismo1: torek, 26. oktober 2004, ob 14.55 uri
And somebody asked: On the way up or after, on the way down, when he was tired?

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