sobota, 8. junij 2024
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Mt. Garibaldi area, Garibaldi Park, British Columbia Canada

Zoran: sobota, 6. november 2004, ob 7.05 uri; ogledov: 0
Location: Garibaldi Park is located north of Squamish, British Columbia Canada, and east of Whistler. It is 194,650 hectares in size, and one of the most visited destinations in BC for hiking, backcountry ski-ing and mountaineering. Its western boundary is the Cheakamus River and the Green Rivers. Its eastern boundary is roughly the Lillooet River, although both boundaries were drawn to exclude the low elevation timber found along these boundaries. Terrain: Garibaldi park is mostly high alpine terrain, with a few pockets of old growth timber on the fringes. The scenery is stunning, containing flowery alpine meadows, large glaciers, and 125 mountains. Since it is inland almost 50 km, the snowfall is somewhat less than areas such as Diamond Head, but still 2 or 3 meters a year. The crown jewel of the park is Garibaldi Lake itself. Its elevation is 1463 m (4800 feet), and as such is one of the largest high lakes in BC. Specifically, there is no higher lake in BC that is larger. History: Garibaldi Park has an interesting geological background as it was created by volcanic action which formed many of the park’s peaks; the Black Tusk, Price Mountain, The Table, Mount Garibaldi, Cinder Cone, and Glacier Pikes, just to name a few. Lava from Clinker Peak is responsible for the creation of The Barrier. Behind this natural dam 300-metre deep Garibaldi Lake was formed. [img:54f05d81e3][/img:54f05d81e3] [img:54f05d81e3][/img:54f05d81e3] [img:54f05d81e3][/img:54f05d81e3] [img:54f05d81e3][/img:54f05d81e3] [img:54f05d81e3][/img:54f05d81e3] [img:54f05d81e3][/img:54f05d81e3] [img:54f05d81e3][/img:54f05d81e3] [img:54f05d81e3][/img:54f05d81e3] [img:54f05d81e3][/img:54f05d81e3] [img:54f05d81e3][/img:54f05d81e3] [img:54f05d81e3][/img:54f05d81e3] [img:54f05d81e3][/img:54f05d81e3] [img:54f05d81e3][/img:54f05d81e3]


Zoran: sobota, 6. november 2004, ob 7.05 uri
Location: Garibaldi Park is located north of Squamish, British Columbia Canada, and east of Whistler. It is 194,650 hectares in size, and one of the most visited destinations in BC for hiking, backcountry ski-ing and mountaineering. Its western boundary is the Cheakamus River and the Green Rivers. Its eastern boundary is roughly the Lillooet River, although both boundaries were drawn to exclude the low elevation timber found along these boundaries. Terrain: Garibaldi park is mostly high alpine terrain, with a few pockets of old growth timber on the fringes. The scenery is stunning, containing flowery alpine meadows, large glaciers, and 125 mountains. Since it is inland almost 50 km, the snowfall is somewhat less than areas such as Diamond Head, but still 2 or 3 meters a year. The crown jewel of the park is Garibaldi Lake itself. Its elevation is 1463 m (4800 feet), and as such is one of the largest high lakes in BC. Specifically, there is no higher lake in BC that is larger. History: Garibaldi Park has an interesting geological background as it was created by volcanic action which formed many of the park’s peaks; the Black Tusk, Price Mountain, The Table, Mount Garibaldi, Cinder Cone, and Glacier Pikes, just to name a few. Lava from Clinker Peak is responsible for the creation of The Barrier. Behind this natural dam 300-metre deep Garibaldi Lake was formed. [img:54f05d81e3][/img:54f05d81e3] [img:54f05d81e3][/img:54f05d81e3] [img:54f05d81e3][/img:54f05d81e3] [img:54f05d81e3][/img:54f05d81e3] [img:54f05d81e3][/img:54f05d81e3] [img:54f05d81e3][/img:54f05d81e3] [img:54f05d81e3][/img:54f05d81e3] [img:54f05d81e3][/img:54f05d81e3] [img:54f05d81e3][/img:54f05d81e3] [img:54f05d81e3][/img:54f05d81e3] [img:54f05d81e3][/img:54f05d81e3] [img:54f05d81e3][/img:54f05d81e3] [img:54f05d81e3][/img:54f05d81e3]

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