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Planinske koče – rezervacije
 Prijava na E-novice  English language

FORUM PZS (zapisi iz stare spletne strani)

Novi Planinarski vodic kroz Planine Bosne i Hercegovine

Zoran: četrtek, 17. marec 2005, ob 15.33 uri; ogledov: 0
Forgotten Beauty is a unique work. A hiking guide for walks of medium to hard difficulty in some of the quietest and least walked mountains in Europe. It presents information in unprecedented detail, using GPS references, 1:25,000 maps, and detailed descriptions for approaches and walks. It provides extensive information on the mine situation and for each walk, and includes contributions from Bosnia’s Mine Action Centre (BH MAC). Bosnia-Herzegovina is in many ways one of the few remaining virgin tourist destinations in Europe. A bad image associated with the 1992-95 war and poor tourism infrastructure limit visitor numbers. Nonetheless the country has been at peace for nearly ten years, with virtually no significant incidents occurring in this period. 2004 saw a quadrupling of tourism numbers since 2003, with many high profile tourism promotion campaigns launched by Paddy Ashdown, the international High Representative for BiH. The close proximity of much of the country to the booming tourist destinations on the Croatian coast provides a unique opportunity for the adventurous traveller to discover one of the most fascinating and varied societies in Europe. Zoran


Zoran: četrtek, 17. marec 2005, ob 15.33 uri
Forgotten Beauty is a unique work. A hiking guide for walks of medium to hard difficulty in some of the quietest and least walked mountains in Europe. It presents information in unprecedented detail, using GPS references, 1:25,000 maps, and detailed descriptions for approaches and walks. It provides extensive information on the mine situation and for each walk, and includes contributions from Bosnia’s Mine Action Centre (BH MAC). Bosnia-Herzegovina is in many ways one of the few remaining virgin tourist destinations in Europe. A bad image associated with the 1992-95 war and poor tourism infrastructure limit visitor numbers. Nonetheless the country has been at peace for nearly ten years, with virtually no significant incidents occurring in this period. 2004 saw a quadrupling of tourism numbers since 2003, with many high profile tourism promotion campaigns launched by Paddy Ashdown, the international High Representative for BiH. The close proximity of much of the country to the booming tourist destinations on the Croatian coast provides a unique opportunity for the adventurous traveller to discover one of the most fascinating and varied societies in Europe. Zoran

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